Chirps is a Django-based Python web application that allows users to search and scan vector databases for sensitive data, and to perform vulnerability testing against Large Language Models (LLM). The application can connect to Mantium applications and to vector databases like Redis and Pinecone, as well as API endpoints where LLMs are hosted. Users can create and manage scanning policies, execute scans against an asset using a selected policy, and view the results of the scan, including any findings.

Project Layout

At a high level, Chirps performs security scans on vector databases and knowledge query systems. Users choose a Policy to Scan an Asset.


The Asset application allows users to interact with Mantium applications and vector databases like Redis and Pinecone for storing and searching document embeddings. Users can create, edit, and delete asset configurations, which include connection details and authentication credentials. Each asset model is derived from a BaseAsset model that implements the search() and test_connection() methods for seamless integration with different database types.


The Scan application manages scans and their results for Mantium applications and vector databases like Redis and Pinecone. Users can create, execute, and analyze scans using policies with defined rules, and review scan findings. The application includes models for scans, results, and findings, with fields to store relevant information. The scan_task Celery task performs the scan process, executing rules against assets and saving results.


The Policy application manages scanning policies and rules for the Scan application. A Policy consists of a set of rules that define the steps executed when scanning an asset. Users can create policies or use preloaded templates.

Authentication System

The authentication system in this Django-based Python web application manages user authentication and account features. Users can sign up, log in, and update their profiles, including an optional OpenAI API key, which is hashed before saving.

The Profile model extends Django’s built-in User model with a one-to-one relationship and includes an openai_api_key field. Forms such as ProfileForm, LoginForm, and SignupForm handle user profile updates, logins, and registrations.

Getting Started with GitHub Codespaces

  1. Click the green “Code” button on your forked repository and choose “Open with Codespaces.”
  2. Click “New codespace” to create a new codespace for the project.
  3. Wait for the codespace to be created and the dependencies to be installed. Expect this first build to take at least 10 minutes. Codespace rebuilds should be much faster.

Quick Start

  • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Initialize the app by running the following command ./chirps/ initialize_app
  • In the codespace, click “Ports” on the lower toolbar and click the link under “Forwarded Ports” to access the application at port 8000.
  • Create a user account in the UI.

Asset Configuration

Now that Chirps is running, it’s time to setup your first asset. Click on the assets top level menu. From the assets dashboard, click the Create button and select your asset type. As of this writing, supported asset types include Redis, Pinecone, and Mantium. On the asset configuration page, enter the details which will allow Chirps to perform queries against it.

Policy Configuration

Chirps ships with a few stock policies. If you’d like to customize them, or create one from scratch, click on the policies top level menu. Either click the New Policy button, or from the templates tab, open a policy that you’d like to work with. Click on the Clone button. For each rule in the policy, you must specify:

  • The query string to send to the asset
  • A regular expression to execute against query results. If this matches something, a result finding will be saved.
  • The severity is a user-configured value to determine how important any finding is which matches the rule.

Your First Scan

With an asset and policy ready, it’s time to execute a scan. Navigate to the scan dashboard by clicking the Scans button in the top navbar. From the scan dashboad, click the New Scan button. On the new scan page, select one or more policy to run, and the asset to execute the policy against. Click Create to start the scan.

Debugging Failed Tasks

Task logs are written to /var/log/celery/. View the worker log file (w1-1.log) to uncover any issues.